Creating Pixar Pet Posters in DALL-E 3: A Step-by-Step Guide

This article is all about the AI images Disney does not want you to make – DALL-E 3, a bunch of pet lovers, and a viral trend of creating Disney-style movie posters featuring your furry friends.

It was all fun and games until Mickey Mouse got involved. The thing is, these AI-inspired masterpieces included the Disney iconic logo. Disney, the guardian of its Magical Kingdom, raised an eyebrow.

They reportedly nudged Microsoft to take some action. But before we get into the copyright drama, let me first show you how to make these pet Pixar-inspired hybrids.

How to Make Pixar Pet Posters?

Step 1: Upload Your Image:

You can’t upload an image directly into the DALL-E 3 image Creator, but you can in Chat GPT. Upload a picture of your pet by following these steps:

  • Open a new chat.
  • Click the paperclip icon and upload an image.
  • Type in the prompt, and if you want to title the poster with your pet’s name, put it in quotes.

Step 2: Generate the Poster:

ChatGPT will create an image and a prompt. Remember, you always have the prompt; you can copy the parts you like and take out the parts you don’t.

You can also run this prompt in other AI image generators, such as Bing’s image Creator or Pixr Postr GPT.

DALL-E 3 Bans Disney

But here’s the thing – Disney was upset with Microsoft about their logo showing up on these images. In a plot twist, Microsoft first banned the word “Disney” from its AI wizardry. Then, abracadabra, they changed their spell to churn out Disney logos.

But I don’t know about that; they look pretty real to me. This fight is all very silly.

It’s easy for me to get a Disney logo if I want one.

I can even get one off of Wiki Commons, and with some quick Photoshop magic, I can put that logo anywhere I’d like.

Adding Disney Logo in Photoshop

It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen a Disney parody. They’re all over the place. Comedians have a history of using copyrighted material to parody, both to entertain and to convey more profound messages.

Most parodies are created without the use of AI, but AI does make it easier. Disney, of course, doesn’t want you to be fooled by fake products that aren’t on-brand.

While you might be wondering if this is only a DALL-E problem, and it does seem to be, DALL-E is the best AI image generator right now at following your lead and giving you what you want to see.

Make Pixar Pet Posters in Bing Image Creator

Go to Bing Image Creator and enter your prompt. Describe your Disney Pixar inspired movie poster.

Click on Generate button.

DALL-E’s Disney Problem

While you might be wondering if this is only a DALL-E problem (and it does seem to be), DALL-E is the best AI image generator right now at following your lead and giving you what you want to see. Mid-journey images look well more mid-journey than Disney.

So what happens when AI tools open the Pandora’s box of parody, letting everyone riff on a theme? This is the question sparking hot debates.

This isn’t just a Disney story; it’s a crystal ball glimpse into a world where AI meets creativity, challenging the age-old rules of who owns what in the land of make-believe.

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